
BAL Mixed Media (June 2015)

Acrylic painting, Liquitex clear gesso, colored pencil on top.  I have added more colored pencil working color into the dark areas, fixing issues, and working on values.

Ink wash, pen & ink, watercolor, white gouache, and colored pencil (If I used acrylic in place of watercolor I would put Liquitex Clear Gesso or another ground before the colored pencil and the white acrylic would replace the white gesso).  Remember I worked in the small areas due to a time constraint.  If this was not a demo I would have completed each layer over the entire piece.  I am now working with colored pencil as my final layer over the subject and background.

Caulk, acrylic paint, Liquitex Clear Gesso, colored pencil.  I started working the colored pencil over the texture, mostly useing the side of the pencil.  I will work on values and adding color as well as fixing any issues.

Alcohol ink on Yupo, Liquitex Clear Gesso, Colored pencil.  I started to add the colored pencil, adding values, color, and texture.

Alcohol ink on Yupo, Liquitex Clear Gesso, Colored pencil.  I started to add the colored pencil, adding values, color, and texture.