
Tuesday Afternoon

Watercolor.  I added more darks and details as well as glazes of yellow.  Values, values, values!

Tuesday Morning

Pen & ink on mixed media paper.  I used cross hatching, pointillism, hatching, and scumbling.  Of course, concentrate on values.  I used a Micron pen size 01.  Use what you have.

Pen & ink on Dura-Lar Matte.  I used cross hatching, pointillism, hatching, and scumbling.  Of course, concentrate on values.  I used a Micron pen size 005.  Use what you have.


Kate's upcoming local art shows

The Kirby Gallery
213 North Main Street
Roxboro, NC 27573
Hours of Operation: Tuesday - Friday 1-5 PM, Saturday 10 AM-4 PM

Kate's show will hang from March 1 - March 28, 2013

The Reception is Friday, March 1 from 6 - 8 pm

The Caswell County Civic Center
536 Main St E
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: 8 am - 4 pm Monday - Friday
(336) 694-4591

Kate's show will hang from March 25 - April 23, 2013

The Reception is Sunday, March 24 from 2 - 4 pm


Sertoma Pen & Ink 2/13

Pen & ink over acrylic.  I used hatching and cross hatching.  This is just the beginning.

Pen & ink over a watercolor and gouache painting on watercolor paper.  This is the completed piece.

Pen & ink over a watercolor and gouache painting on watercolor paper.  This is hat it looked like after class.

This is the exercise sheet I did in class.

This is the ink wash.  I plan to add more pen & ink for texture and to organize my lights and darks as well as to add detail.

Pen & ink over watercolor.  I used pointillism/stippling.  It is just the beginning.


photos from workshop


Continuing Watercolor (Jan/Feb 13) - Sertoma

I added more leaves and the flower to the plant.  It needs more detail and darks of course, but it is coming along well so far.

Added some darks and details to her face and one sleeve.  Need to do the same to the hand and clothing.  The nose needs a little attention on one of the shadows and the background needs some color help for sure.

I took off the masking and worked more detail and dark into the shell and incorporated the masking lines back into the painting as I worked (that almost always needs to be done when using masking).  I added detail to the head and worked some on the water.  It's coming along well and fairly close to complete (needs more tweaking of course...).


Tuesday afternoon

Watercolor.  I added teaxture to the body using marks more like drawing with the paint.  I also added some texture to the wings and painted the stem.

Acrylic.  I am using a 'local color' approach.  I mixed greens and painted the leaves.

Colored pencil.  I used white to add highlights in order to pop the butterfly forward.

Colored pencil.  I used pomegranate, dark green , canary yellow, and chartreuse so far.  I am lightly layering the color and values.

Watercolor.  I wet each leaf before adding color.  I then dropped in yellow and then green paying attention to values and  color.  Keep any highlights white if you can.

Tuesday Morning

Colored pencil.  I worked on the flower using white, grass green,  pomegranate.

Pen & Ink exercises.


Watercolor on Yupo.  This was a class demo from South Carolina.  It was a lifting and spraying process on Yupo.  I added a few details, but it was mostly lifting.


Tuesday Afternoon

Acrylic on canvas board.  I added more detail, more values, warmed-up the color, and worked on the background (added texture).

Tuesday Morning

Watercolor and a little gouache on Yupo.  I added more details, lifted more details, added some dark watercolor, and added a little white gouache in tiny areas where the Yupo was stained and I wanted white.


Continuing Watercolor (Jan/Feb 13) - Sertoma

Pea plant.  I started painting the leaves and flowers as if the texture was not on the background.   I focused on values and details and the addition of yellow.

This pea plant is A little further along (started in another class).  I added darks and details.  I also added lights with both lifting and scrubbing as well as gouache.

I worked on the back of the head integrating the light as back lighting .  I added color, some yellow, to the chicken..  It needs a little more detail and some darks.

First I wet the background and added in blues and blue greens as well as some yellow.  I guided the water into a 'watery' pattern.  Next, I painted the turtle shell with an reddish-orange color and 'sanded' color with watercolor pencils and sand paper onto the wet shell (new term and technique for me...).  I also painted the head blue, sanded color on, and put saran wrap on the head.


Tuesday Afternoon

Acrylic.  The leaves, etc, have been painted transparently over the background of color and texture.

Acrylic.  I transferred the outline of the butterfly/moth , painted orange, allowed to dry, and then transferred the details.  I then started painting the details.

Colored pencil on orange mat board.  I added more colored pencil using white, black, canary yellow, burnt sienna, and scarlet lake.

I started adding the background.

Watercolor.  I wet the background, dropped in color and then salt to get the background texture.  I then wet parts of the wings and dropping in yellow and orange.

Tuesday Morning

Acrylic.  I added a yellow green color to the pepper and added more lights and darks and some values and details.  I also started work on the leaves.

Colored pencil on gray paper.  I did a little more work on the pepper and started on the leaves.  I am still using grass green, dark green, canary yellow, white, and indigo.

Mixed Media (Jan/Feb) - Sertoma

Colored pencil over half of an abandoned watercolor painting of a building   These are the last two goose/duck photos I took of my progress.  I have worked more on the color and values as well as details mostly with colored pencil.  I has more work, but is getting close.  I mostly used white, true blue, orange, and indigo so far.

Colored pencil over and acrylic painting of a horse that has been prepped with Acrylic Ground for Pastel.  These are the two versions of the horse as ore colored pencil has been added.  I am working on values, texture, color and details.  

Colored pencil over a watercolor exercise paper.  These are the beginning of the magnolia being superimposed over the watercolor exercises.  I have used white, canary yellow, grass green, scarlet lake, and indigo so far.

Colored pencil and pen & ink over a watercolor parrot painting on primed Masonite prepped with Absorbent Ground.  This is the parrot with more ink added.

Last pass of the rubber cement and acrylic before the rubber cement was removed.

This is after the rubber cement has been removed.

This is the beginning of the parrot over the rubber cement and acrylic background.

This is the parrot after quite a bit of colored pencil work.  It has a little more to go, but is close to finished.


CP Open Studio

This is colored pencil on primed Masonite prepped with tinted Acrylic Ground for Pastel

Photos for various classes