
BCB Art & Ale Watercolor and Gouache, April & May 2019

I added darks to the 3 grapes on the left.  I added light with white gouache to the stem.  Later (after it was dry) I added some green and some warm yellow carefully over the gouache on the stem.  I started adding lights with gouache to the upper left grape.   I also added warm red.  I will continue to detail and refine and adjust the darks and lights as needed. 

I added more shadows to the swan, both cast and form shasows.  I added some wam yellow to the swan as well (it was too white).  I will continue adjusting the lights and darks and adding details as needed.  In the water I added darks and some a warm yellow green glaze.


BCB ART & ALE watercolor class April and May 2019

I worked on the 2 grapes bottom right and the stems attaching them to the branch.  I first added darks.  Then on the front grape I added a glaze of warm red.  Then I added the white gouache.  I also worked on the background.  I wet the bottom part of the background.  I went over the cast shadows with water and my brush to soften them.  I added some yellow and white gouache to the wet part of the background and white gouache to the edges of the cast shadows while it was still wet.

I used white goauche to fix some of my edges and to add a few highlights.  I mixed a gray and added more shadows to the swan.  I also added a warm yellow glaze to parts of the swan.  I intensified the orange on the beak and reflection.  I added some shadows with the gray in the water right under the swan as well.  Have a few more shadows and feather texture to add next class.

NCBG Acrylic April, 2019

I added a few seeds and glazed some warm red on the strawberry.  Have unfinished areas (due to it being used for demonstrations) and it needs more detail and refinement.

I added more highlights and shadows to the flower..  I added some light areas to the background.  The flower needs more values and some color still.  A few leaves are unfinished.

Started adding the glazes of color over a few of the mushrooms.  I added a variety of color in layers.  When I did the white I did that in layers as well.