
Wakefield Vet Class July 2016

I worked on this more with color (used red, yellow, blue and orange as well as a few areas of white) and then started adding the darks with black and black grape.

Wakefield Colored Pencil Class July 2016

White colored pencil, value study, on dark gray mat board


Wakefield Colored Pencil Class July 2016

Colored pencil on off white mat board.  I transferred the drawing and then started lightly shading in colors.

I shaded in more colors and started adding the values.  I also worked on the eye quite a bit.  It needs more values and of course more detail (I can show you this next class).

Colored pencil on dark gray mat board.  I transferred the drawing with white transfer paper.  The top is a finished flower.  The bottom is the start.  I usually start on a dark surface with white first.  I dd a white value study and then layer the color and detail later.

Colored pencil on off white mat board.  Same process as the emu above, just not very far along.


Wakefield Colored Pencil Class July 2016

View from the black side after adding color on the color side.

Color side - I have added canary yellow, pomegranate, and true blue, often layering to mix colors, to the fish on the color side.  It needs a tiny bit more work - refining and adjusting.


Wakefield Colored Pencil Class July, 2016

I added more black texture and values (light to dark) as well as details to the fish on the black side.  I also then added some white in the lightest areas.

This is the color side.  I added some white in the lightest areas to this side as well.


Wakefield Colored Pencil Class July, 2016

Colored pencil on Grafix Dura-Lar Matte.  This is the black side.  We used a black colored pencil and shaded the values of the fish.  This of course is not finished.

This is a view from the color side.

The process so far:  On the Dura-Lar we marked each side in the bottom right corner.  One side was color and one side was black.  We put the Dura-lar over the drawing, color side up. We traced the drawing with a #2 pencil.  Then we flipped it over and shaded on the black side with a black colored pencil.  This is a value drawing.


NCBG Gouache June 2016

I have added taxture to the mushroom and bottom ground.  I will continue adding texture, adjusting values and details, etc. until it is complete.