
BAL CP July 2018

Colored pencil on watercolor paper using rubbing alcohol as a solvent to melt the first several layers of pencil.  I have started refining and detailing the face on the right side with the colored pencil.  I am focusing on values mostly and then color.  I also worked some of the head scarf, earrings and background.

Colored pencil on Dura-Lar Matte paper.  This is the black and white side.  I am shading with the black pencil (and have more feathers to add...).  Remember to use you eraser to smooth the pencil and adjust the values.

DAC CP July & August 2018

Colored pencil on UART dark sanded pastel paper.  I added lots of white to the dark side of the cat (could have left the paper showing through for the shadows).  I did this to show how to add color and darks back into the white.  I am still working on it, but it's getting there.

Colored pencil on Strathmore Toned gray paper.  I worked on shadows on the white part of the egg and highlights on the yolk.  It's getting there, but needs more work.

Colored pencil on Grafix Dura-Lar Matte paper.  This is the black and white side.  Instead of black and white I chose indigo and white to do the values on this side.

This is the color side.  I just started adding the color.  So far I have used pomegranate and spanish orange on the flower and grass green on the leaves. I added some canary yellow to the one leaf as well.  This is barely a start to the color.  Remember to use your eraser to smooth the pencil and adjust the values.

This is the view from the black and white side after some color was added.


BAL CP July, 2018

I added more white, some dark and some color onto the dog.  Worked on the cloth and tag and collar.  It needs some refining still, but it's getting close to complete.

Colored pencil on watercolor paper (hot press 140 lb.).  I started with a melted under drawing.  I started this with peacock blue as a light value study.  I melted the pencil with a solvent and a brush(in this case rubbing alcohol 91%, 70% will work as well).

I added scarlet lake all over the skin and a little spanish orange to the light side of her skin.  I added canary yellow to the light side oh her head scarf.  I melted with rubbing alcohol again.  I also melted some of the peacock blue in the lid of a jar and then painted it on the background and her clothes.

I added more scarlet lake and spanish orange and melted again.

I started using light peach, white, scarlet lake, and black grape over the top (barely got started before class ended).  I do not plan to melt this layer and will do more next class.


DAC CP July & August 2018

Colored Pencil on UART dark Sanded pastel paper 800 grade.  I used a stiff brush to work the colored pencil into the paper in a few areas to show you how that looks.  I added some more white in a few areas.  I started adding whiskers.  I still have some lights and darks and details to add, but it's getting close to complete.  At the end I will use the poster putty to clean up the background areas.  I have the option of adding a color to the background or using a black or dark gray if needed.  After it's cleaned with the poster putty I will spray it with workable fixative.

Colored pencil on Toned gray Strathmore Paper.  The first step was to shade white over the entire egg (yolk too).  I did this lightly and made sure I did not lose my drawing.  I then shaded canary yellow over the yolk and parts of the egg white. I then shaded spanish orange over the egg yolk as well.  I used crimson red on the darkest part of the yolk and scarlet lake over most of the yolk. I made a gray with scarlet lake, true blue and canary yellow for the shadow under the egg white (there is more blue in the shadow so it is gray).  I made a brown color for the shadows on the egg white using the same 3 colors and white (there is more red and yellow in the shadow so it is brown).  I need to make more of the shadows on the egg white to make the bubbles as it cooks, I will show it again next class.

I worked more on the yolk adding more of the reds and yellows.  I started adding white for the highlights (there are more I will do next class).  I also started adding more of the mixed brown to the white part of the egg.  I added more of the shadow under the egg white and added some of the grease spots from cooking.  I will demonstrate more on this next class.


DAC CP January & February 2018

Colored pencil on mat board.  I worked on this over a period of time adding more layers, adjusting the values, and refining and adding detail.  


BAL CP July 2018

Colored pencil on UART dark sanded pastel paper 800 grade.  This started with all white and a focus on the values in white.  I work lightly building up in layers.  After there was enough white we added some color.  I used terra cotta (sienna brown or burnt ochre will work as well) and true blue.  I used more white and some black to adjust the values. On the eye I did a little white, some terra cotta (sienna brown or burnt ochre will work as well) and then black and white to adjust the values and color on the eye. The body needs lots of work as does his scarf and collar (have not done much on those).  His head needs a little refining and detailing.  I will continue demonstrating if needed next week showing you more detail and refining.  


DAC CP July & August, 2018

Colored pencil on UART dark sanded pastel paper 800 grade.  This started with all white and a focus on the values in white.  I work lightly building up in layers.  After there was enough white we added some color.  I used pomegranate and spanish orange plus more white on the ear (especially on the hair textures of the ear).  I also used a little black grape on the dark edge of the ear (the line).  I used true blue, pomegranate and a little spanish orange on the shadowed part of the cat as well as more white (especially to start making the fur textures).  I added some pomegranate on parts of the face, inside the eye (not the eyeball), and nose plus more white.  I used blue and black grape on the black spot.  On the eyeball I used a little white first, some spanish orange and some black grape plus more white on the front edge and light area in the eye.  I used indigo on the pupil. I will continue demonstrating showing you the detail and refining.