
Continuing Watercolor (March/April) - Sertoma

This is the rooster we will paint.

This is a close-up.

Tuesday Morning Class

This will go over the rubber cement paintings we have done.

In acrylic and watercolor this will be on Yupo and in colored pencil this will be  on Dura-lar.

Thursday Morning Class

Acrylic painting.  I worked on the head and glazed the background with yellow.  I also started adding grass at the bottom.  It needs some more glazing and detail work.

Watercolor painting.  I worked on the body and the head, negative painted some grass at the bottom, and glazed the background a warm yellow.  It needs more detail and a little more glazing.

Continuing Watercolor (March/April) - Sertoma

This is the painting after color was glazed over the value study.  I used a warm brown on her skin and some rubber cement on her dress for the pattern.  The painting needs some value work as well as some details.

This is the patchwork experimental painting.  We will do another painting over this later in class.


Tuesday Morning Class

Acrylic painting.  I removed the masking and started working on the details on the flowers and the background.  It needs some help, but it is different and interesting.

Rubber cement acrylic painting.  I added one last layer of rubber cement and  some washes of dark.  When dry I removed the rubber cement.  I plan to use this for a background (maybe after some glazing...).

Colored pencil over watercolor.  I worked more on the flowers and background adding color and value with the colored pencil.

Watercolor painting.  I removed the masking fluid and started adding details to the flowers.  I also added a little dark behind the flowers where needed.

Rubber cement watercolor painting.  I added one last layer of rubber cement and  some washes of dark.  When dry I removed the rubber cement.  I plan to use this for a background (maybe after some glazing...).  I did a little work  in the upper left after the rubber cement was removed to organize some of the shapes.


Aqueous Acrylics

I finishing adding the first layer of black to the chicken.  Now it's time for details.

Thursday Morning Class

Acerlic chicken.  I mixed black with some other colors (to make it warm and cool) and painted the chicken.  I painted with   wet acrylic paint (watered down with matte medium and water), paying attention to values and allowing color to show through.

Watercolor chicken.  I mixed a black (Permanent alizarin and pthalo green).  I painted the chicken paying attention to values and allowing color to show through.

Watercolor magnolia.  I added some details by lifting and scrubbing.  I also showed the addition of a little gouache (in the center).


Continuing Watercolor (March/April) - Sertoma

This is the value study after two passes.  I mixed this color with indigo, permanent alizarin, and new gamboge - use any color you want, work on the values.  I need to 'fix' a few things and add a few more values and details before I will add color on top.  This value study will be used as an under painting.

These are the photos from class.


Tuesday Morning Class

Acrylic painting with the masking rubbed off.  I masked the flower and branch areas and  added another layer of paint (still wet, but not quite as wet).  The next step is to add details and values to the flowers and branches.

Acrylic rubber cement painting.  I added another layer of rubber cement and more color.

This is the colored pencil over watercolor.  I added more values and details to the flowers and branches and added more dark to the background (to push the flowers forward and to add contrast)

This is the watercolor masking painting.  I masked the entire flower and branch areas and painted more in the background.  I will remove the masking next and then add details.

Watercolor rubber cement painting.  I added another layer of rubber cement and more color. 


Thursday Morning Class

This is the background for the acrylic painting of the chicken.  I painted very wet with paint thinned with water and matte medium.  I wanted a lot of texture so I used a paper towel (pressed it lightly on the painting) and salt.

This is the acrylic painting of the magnolia.  It needs a little more work, but is coming along.  I added details, cleaned up some edges, and added more darks and lights.

This is the start of the watercolor chicken painting.  I painted on wet paper floating the colors and added salt for texture.
This is the watercolor magnolia.  I added a few more details, lifted some lights, added some darks.  It needs more values (esp. dark) as well as more details. 


Tuesday Morning Class

This is the first pass on the acrylic using masking fluid in the lightest areas.  I applied the colors very wet/transparently (water and masking fluid).  I will mask the branches and flowers completely and work on the background for the next class.

Acrylic rubber cement painting - the second pass.  I applied more rubber cement, let it dry, and added another layer of color and used salt for texture.

Colored pencil over  watercolor.  I used mostly a white pencil and started adding my lights.  I also used a little tuscan red  in the shadows as well as some cobalt and I used some green on the centers.

first pass of color after the masking was applied to the lightest areas.  I will  mask the branches and flowers and paint the background next class.

Watercolor rubber cement painting - the second pass.  I applied more rubber cement, let it dry, and added another layer of color and used salt for texture.   


Thursday Morning Class

Photo for the next project.

Thursday Morning Class

Acrylic magnolia.  I have added glazes of yellow to the magnolia., leaves, and background and the center of the flower.  

Watercolor Magnolia.  I added yellow glazes to the flower, leaves, and background.  Then I mixed some warm green and added glazes to the background and painted part of the leaves (I will paint the other part next class).  On the leaves I also added a little red and yellow to the green on the leaves.


Tuesday Morning Class

Acrylic rubber cement exercise, 1st pass.  I used a cool red and yellow very  watered down (with water and matte medium).

Watercolor under-painting for colored pencil on top.  I used perm. alizarin, burnt sienna, pthalo green mixed with new gamboge, and cobalt.  I worked on very wet paper and splattered some. 

This is the masking fluid on the light spots on the flowers and branches (do this for both the watercolor and acrylic).

Watercolor rubber cement exercise.  I used cobalt, aureolin, pthalo  green mixed with new gamboge, and perm.alizarin mixed with burnt sienna.  Use whatever colors you choose.

Watercolor Ground Workshop - Sertoma

This is the macaw on Watercolor Ground (Daniel Smith).  I added the eye and a little detail on the beak.

GCWS Workshop

I mixed a dark color and put the dark on (paying attention the the values) to get the chicken started. 

This is the gouache horse.  I added the background colors and now will start adding detail.


Thursday Morning Class

Watercolor version of the magnolia.  I did a value study with the purple for the first layer.

Acrylic version of the magnolia.  I did a value study with the purple for the first layer.  The next layer was some green and red (mostly on the background).

For both of these projects you must work hard to get a range of values in your painting.

Continuing Watercolor (January/February) - Sertoma

Added some more darks and some detail.  It still needs more before I add more color.

I added detail to the dogwood flowers and branches to bring them forward.  I added a little dark in a few places to pop one of the flowers.   It of course needs more work.