
Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

This is the piece after quite a bit of work today in class.  I added the values to round out the folds in her head scarf (I used a purple mixture of perm. rose and cobalt), after it dried I started adding the pattern making sure I followed the contours of the fabric (I used perm. rose and viridian).  The dress was done with a perm. rose on wet paper with lots of back washes/blossoms to add texture.  After that dried I worked on creating the folds with a warm red.  The skin has several more layers.  I did another layer of brown to add more values (I used a mixture of perm. rose, new gamboge, and indigo).  After that dried I added another layer of brown and dropped in color (areas of indigo, perm. rose, and new gamboge).  This last layer can be just brown (with a good range of values and maybe some glazes) unless you want to try dropping in some color.

PCRD Class

This is the watercolor pear and apple.  I added the background by wetting the area and floating in indigo, cobalt, and sienna brown.  The piece needs more values overall and shadows as well as some detail work.

PCRD Class

This is the acrylic pear and apple.  I added the first layer of the background, a mixture of blue and brown.  It needs another layer or two (it's too busy now, but the textures will look lovely after another layer or two is added) and more values and details need to be added to the piece.

PCRD Class

This is the colored pencil piece after adding some shadows and background as well as starting on the metal stand.  Indigo and dark brown were used in the shadow areas and background.  In the shadows I also added the color of the objects casting the shadow plus a little true blue.  Remember that shadows are a great place to use color.  Since I burnished the apple and pear I will slao burnish the rest of the piece after the color is down.


WC in Bloom - Sertoma ClassThis is the flower after puttin

This is the flower after glazing the petals with New Gamboge (I have glazed two of them so far) and glazing a little cobalt blue in the shadow areas.  The background was done by wetting the area to be painted and dropping in indigo, viridian, permanent rose, and new gamboge and letting the colors gently mix as they dry (note that two of the colors in the background are those used in the flower - this helps unify the composition).  The next steps are to 're-attach' the flower to the background, finish the flower parts that are not finished, adjust the colors & values as needed, and add details as needed.


Adventures in WC - Sertoma Class

This is the first few steps for this painting.  There are several more washes for the skin as well as the addition of dark values and details.  We mixed the skin color with cobalt, aureolin, permanent rose, and indigo.  We will continue working on the skin and start the fabric as well as lay in the background for the next class. 



PCRD Class

Watercolor - added more color and texture to the fruits and mixed a grey and started the stand.

PCRD Class

Acrylic - mixed a grey and started the stand and shadows and added more color and texture to the fruits.

PCRD Class

Colored pencil - added more value and color as well as texture and burnished lightly with a colorless blender

WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

Watercolor value study using Permanent Rose.


WC in Bloom - Sertoma Class

Photo for class


PCRD Class

Watercolor apple and pear - I added some red to the pear (as it was too green) and some more yellow to the apple.  I lifted a little (gently) from both in order to bring back some light areas.  I did a dark red and brown to keep the values on the apple and a brown for the pear.

PCRD Class

Acrylic apple and pear - I added some red to the pear (as it was too green) and some yellow to the apple.  I also added white (with a little yellow mixed in) to both.  I did a dark red to keep the values on the apple and a dark brown for the pear.

PCRD Class

Colored Pencil apple and pear  - I added canary yellow, sunburst yellow, crimson red, dark brown, a tiny bit of green, and tuscan red to the apple keeping in mind the values as I shaded.


PCRD Class

Watercolor apple and pear start.  I used a mix of brown and yellow (that I am not happy with at this point) for the pear and alizarin and new gamboge for the apple.  Concentrate on the values at this point.

PCRD Class

Acrylic apple and pear start.  I used a mix of brown and yellow for the pear and primary red for the apple.  Concentrate on the values at this point.

PCRD Class

Colored Pencil apple and pear start.  I used sienna brown for the pear and scarlet lake for the apple.  Concentrate on the values at this point.