
Continuing Watercolor (A, S, O 2015)

I added another layer of masking - adding leaf shapes, flower "dots" and grass shapes at the bottom.

I glazed the background with yellow.  I added white gouache to add highlights as well as scrubbing to get highlights.  I added more dark feather shapes to the rooster.  I painted the eye and added detail arond the eye and beak areas.  I added more red as well.  He is getting there.

I glazed greens and yellow on the background and on the stem, leaves, and buds.  I glazed some yellow and a tiny bit of green on part of the flower.  I started to add detail to the top left bud with green and a tiny bit of red.


Continuing Watercolor (A, S, O 2015)

I added another round of masking fluid to make leaf shapes and more flower shapes.  This will freeze the colors under the masking when I add more color/value.  After that was dry I made a second pass with the paint adding some darker values.

I started adding values to the waddle and comb to give the rooster some form.  It of course needs more.

This will start as a value study.  I mixed rose and ultramarine.  Since ultramarine is a granulating color, the colors separate when wet.  For the first pass I worked on the flower dry and the background was wet first.  I am concentrating on the values and some detail.  Do keep the values a bit lighter since we will be adding color and value later.  We can always darken easily, but lightening an area is difficult.