
Sertoma Painting People in watercolor (July and August 2017)

This is what it looked like after class

The addition of more masking.  I applied no more after this.  The reason it is gray now is because I used a different type of masking (Pebeo Drawing Gum).

This was taken when very wet.  This is a pour with reddish purple and then the addition of a little red.

Still wet, after I tilted and let some run off.

This is how it looks when dry.

This is wet after a pour of warm yellow

This is how it looks dry

This is wet (and blurry...).  This is after a pour of a blue purple color.  I wet in front of the face, around the hat and on the back a little.  I kept the pour off of most of the face.

This is how it looks dry.

This is wet.  This is a pour, concentrated on the face and top third of the painting, of a reddish orange color.

This is how it looks dry.

This is how it looks after the masking is removed (I let it dry overnight before removing the masking).

This is wet on parts.  This is a partial pour around the ear with an orange color and around the clothing.  I thought the masking was a bit too light so colored it a little.

This is how it looks dry.


BAL Colored Pencil People July 2017

Colored pencil over a water color pencil under painting/drawing on watercolor paper.  Working with peach, I covered the entire face with peace which blended the colors.  I then use white to add in highlights and terra cotta, dark brown, true blue and scarlet lake to start adding in shadows and color.  I added more black to the hair as well as some scarlet lake (i felt it needed more red in some areas).  I will continue working on the skin and hair.  Next class we need to work on the clothing.

Colored pencil on UART sanded pastel paper (with a watercolor pencil under painting/drawing.  I worked on the face and hat.  I used terra cotta, white, and dark brown on the face plus white and black on the mustache and beard.  I used terra cotta, dark brown, white, and spanish orange on the hat plus pomegranate and white on the hat band.  There is still more work to do on it all.  We also need to do the background and clothes next class.

Colored pencil on turquoise mat board.  I first used white and did a value study (which I would typically finish before starting the other colors if this were not a class demo).  I then used peacock blue, indigo, and white to start shading.  I am considering adding a warm color, maybe, but may finish this with only the 3 colors.

Sertoma Painting People in watercolor (July and August 2017)

Worked more on skin adding more shadow.  Worked on the hair as well. adding dark and texture.  Started work on the shirt.  It still needs more work, but getting closer to complete.

Added some glazing to the dark, need to add more (will do this at home and post a photo).  Painted color on the cello.  Need to do the hair and strings as well as detail and more shadows.

Pouring.  I put masking on the lightest areas and then poured with light color.  I then put more masking on the next lightest areas and poured another light layer.  I will pour 1 or 2 more at home and take photos and post them.  That way it will be dry and I can remove the masking and start painting in class.  The spotted parts are pieces of pigment that had settled in the jar.  Not sure if they will stay or not.  


BAL Colored Pencil People July 2017

I painted a reddish brown over her skin with the watercolor pencil. I then used terra cotta prismacolor on her skin adding shadows.  I started using dark brown on one eye and eyebrow as well as her nose to darken, will continue that next class.  Started adding black to her hair.  Still a lot to do. 

After the black grape value study was done, decided to go in a new direction.  Using the watercolor pencils I added color to the sanded UART surface.  It went on well and is a nice new technique.  I let that dry and then started on the face adding shadows and color with terra cotta, cad orange, pomegranate, and highlights with white.  Used black and white on his beard and mustache.  I will continue next class.

Colored pencil on Turquoise mat board.  I am starting this with a white value study.  Plan to do white on the entire thing.  When I get more done I will post a photo.

BAL Colored Pencil Animals June, 2017

I have worked on the ears and continued adding highlights and shadows, refining as I go.

BAL Colored Pencil People February and March, 2017

Colored pencil over a colored pencil and solvent under drawing on Stonehenge paper.  I have .continued work on the face and the hair adding color and shadows.  More work to do.


Sertoma Painting People in watercolor (July and August 2017)

I added more shadows, lightly, to her face and shoulder.  I worked on the hair with a dark, still needs more work.  I added a blue-green to the background.  There is more work to be done.

I worked on the shadows on his face and hand.  I fixed the instrument neck area (it was incorrect).  I added dark to the clothes and chair area treating it as one shape for now (you can see the area where I ran out of color).  I plan to glaze and add more dark.  In this dark area my advice is to experiment.  There is of course more work to do.


BAL Colored Pencil People July, 2017

Watercolor pencil and colored pencil on hot press watercolor paper.  This is started with a bright under drawing with watercolor pencil.  I used a variety of bright colors.  I used green to shade her face.  The next step is to draw with colored pencil on top allowing the under drawing color to show through.  The watercolor pencil part is not quite done yet.

Colored pencil on UART sanded pastel paper (800 grit).  I am doing a value study with black grape to start this piece.  I am not done with the value study yet.  The next step is to add color over the value study.


Vet Class

Drawing from a photo onto tracing paper using a grid.

Sertoma Painting People in watercolor (July and August 2017)

Wet on dry, painting upright on an easel.  On the first pass - started  on the skin with a cool red (quin. rose), warm yellow( quin, gold), and a green blue (pthalo).  I used very light paint and kept a leading edge drip going.  Pulled some of the paint out into the background and hair.  On the next pass I added some slightly darker skin colored paint to the eye, nose, and mouth areas as well as the neck.  On the third pass I painted color into the hair.  You can see on the back of the hair how the dark will be applied over the color with it showing through in some areas.  I will demo this next class.

Wet on wet, painting upright on an easel.  For the first pass I wet the paper, placed it on the easel, and started dropping in color letting it flow.  Use light color.  After that was dry on the second pass I started adding some skin color to the skin areas.