
Art & Ale Acrylic

This is how far the demo got in the last class.  It needs more work especially in values (both light and dark) and detailing and refining.  In the last class I added more white and more dark and then used browns and oranges to start adding rust.  A note - when adding the shadow under the truck on the road keep it light enough so the road texture shows through and subtly vary the value within the shadow.


DAC CP Jan & Feb 2018

This is how it looked last week after class.

This is after some refining, value work, and detailing. I worked on the top part, remember that working in a small area is for demonstration purposes.  I typically work on the entire piece bringing it up together.

The first layer was white and then indigo.  next I did yellow on the leaves and a little canary yellow on the berry.  Then I did scarlet lake on the berry and a little on the leaf area.

I started refining the small area of leaves and berry.  I would continue refining and detailing on the entire strawberry paying attention to values.


Sertoma CW Jan. & Feb. 2018

Added more darks and some details to the trees, road and grass.  Have more to do, but it's coming along

Added more darks and lifted some lights and also demonstrated gouache.  Worked on the stem a little as well. 

The color is off on the bottom half.  I worked on this before class adding the hair on the right and starting on the bottom of the shirt.  I also added a light wash to the background.

I worked on the shadows on both faces, darkened the hair on the left and demonstrated adding dark strands and lifting/scrubbing out light strands.  Put a light shadow over the entire right side of the front girls face. I worked on a section of her hair to show you how to do the wisps on her face (need to finish darkening her hair).  I added shadows to her face and worked on the darks in her eyes.  I worked on the bottom of the shirts adding a little bit of detail and adding a light wash over the bottom white fluffy parts.  There is as ever more to do.


Art & Ale Acrylic Class Jan. & Feb. 2018

We worked more on the landscape before adding the truck.  We covered glazing, salt texture, splatter texture, and dry brushing with a fan brush (the grass texture).  I worked on the mountains and sky with gray and added yellow and a small amount of red glazes to the grass and trees.  I did a salt texture on the road as well as white splatter.  After that was dry I transferred the truck and painted in the darker values, lightly and transparently, with black and other colors mixed in.  I then used white and lightly and transparently put in the rest of the truck.  It's like a ghost truck, we will make it solid next week.  This part is to help us see what we have at the start. 

BAL W Jan. 2018

I started working on the leaves, added dark to the background, worked on the coat sleeve a little and added color or value to a few smaller areas as well.  This one is coming along nicely, there is just still work that needs to be done.

I started painting in the figure adding more color and value.  It is still near the beginning of the process, we needed one more class to get it further along.  It was a hard painting day on this one (these happen and are frustrating), but  the painting is very workable/fixable as it is still light.  This is one of the reasons I prefer building my values rather than going right in with dark as I used to do in the past. 


DAC CP Jan. & Feb. 2018

I worked more on the grapes, middle left grape.  Still have to finish and then refining.

I worked on lightening (important on dark paper) and adding more color to the head and tail.

I worked on adding more light, more color and smoothing using light color (white and peach) and a circular pencil motion.  I worked mostly on the top of the head and hair.  I added some darks to eyebrow, hair, and eyelash area.  I used white and true blue on the scarf  near the top front of the scarf.


BAL CP People July 2017

Have finished the class demo of the monochromatic colored pencil we did in class.

Sertoma CW Jan. & Feb. 2018

I started adding darker shapes and texture, especially to the line of trees and some to the front of the grass.  I added gray shadows to the mountains and lifted/scrubbed some highlights after it was dry.  I added gray to the sky as well.  I added trees, both dark and light, to the tree line.  The light/white gouache trees are trees in the distance that the light is hitting and the dark ones are in shadow.  I plan to add more of both light and dark tree shapes.  I will fix the larger tree on the upper right.  I fixed the curve of the road and it needs just a little more adjustment.

I added a glaze of a red color to the background.

I added in the hair - wet the paper, add a dark version of the color, and use the brush to make hair texture (in a vertical direction).  I also started working on the face and clothes adding some shadows.  This is still near the beginning so do not get dark yet, stay on the light to medium side value wise on the features and clothes.  Stay a little lighter than the darkest on the hair.


Art & Ale Acrylic Class Jan. and Feb. 2018

We began this painting with a single color (I used ultramarine blue).  We painted in the values and textures.   We used very wet acrylic paint.  The color of this photo is not correct due to being taken inside in very warm light.    

We discussed color mixing and the 6 color warm/cool color mixing color wheel (see below).  Then I mixed some gray and brown and started painting the trees and road.  I mixed some green for the grass. In the next class we will work on the mountains and sky, refine the entire landscape and start on adding the truck.

6 color warm/cool color mixing color wheel.  The colors displayed here will not be true to the color of the original.  The letters correspond to - warm yellow, cool yellow, warm red, cool red, green blue, purple blue. 

BAL Watercolor January 2018

I am still in the process of refining this piece.  I added shadows to the magnolia petals.  I have added shadows, scrubbed out some highlights, and added details to the top left leaf.  I will do this to the rest of the leaves as well.  I will be more detailed on the front leaves and less so on the back leaves.  On the top background (above the flower) I added a glaze of reddish purple that I plan to put on the entire background.  

I used negative painting behind the leaves and flowers to "carve" them out from the painting.  I have started to add darks, details and shadows.  I have scrubbed out some highlights.  There is a lot left to do, but it is getting on the way finally.

This is the painting of the woman, it's done (just kidding...).  I wet the paper and dropped in color paying attention to the drawing and light and dark areas.  This is the under painting. I will demonstrate painting her next class