
BAL MM (October 2015)

I added colored pencil to the flower and a bit more to the background.  I also worked on the stem some.  I also showed you a bit of melting on parts of the flower, leaf, and bud (with the Goo Gone Spray Gel).  Remember also that when I work at home on a non demo artwork I work all over, not in bits and pieces as I do for the demos.

I worked on the watercolor for the right side ornament at home so i could add colored pencil in class.  The ornament is cattywampus, so I will need to fix that.

Addesd yellow watercolor pencil on the left ornament.  Started adding colored pencil on the right side at the top (and I started to fix the cattywampus...).

Plexi glass with Liquitex Clear Gesso on the front side and Daniel Smith Transparent Watercolor Ground on the back side.  I have traced the drawing.

I put watercolor on the back making a textured background.  I started putting colored pencil on the front side.  I started with white and then used dark brown, sienna brown, and peach so far.