
BAL Mixed Media October 2015

Watercolor (could do the same with acrylic).  I wet the paper and dropped the color, let it dry.  This is for the dragonfly.  I have transferred the drawing onto the paper.  I transferred the outline and some of the details on the body and head.  I will draw the lines on the wings (some of them) with ink.

Watercolor (could do the same with acrylic).  I wet the paper, dropped in color, placed the plastic wrap on top and scrunched it until I got shapes I liked.

Acrylic (could do the same with watercolor).  I wet the paper, dropped in color, placed the crumpled wax paper on top and placed a book to hold it down.

Watercolor (could do the same with acrylic).  I wet the paper, dropped in color, and when the paper was not a puddle and still a little shiny I dropped in salt in those areas.  I used bot table salt and sea salt.  The table salt is the tiny textures and the sea salt has the larger texture.

Watercolor (would do the same with acrylic).  This painting will start as a monochromatic painting.  For the petal I worked with damp paper and dropped in color (in the dark areas) and guided it.  On the buds I worked dry and pulled the color out.  On the background I worked very wet and let the color move.  The purpose here is to learn to work with the various wetness of the paper and to focus on value painting.