
DAC CP & MMI am continuing July and August, 2019

I am continuing to add colored pencil paying most attention to the values - the lights, mediums and darks.  I am secondarily considering the color.  You must have value in order to have form.  The highlights and shadows are critical. 

Watercolor texture, plastic wrap

Watercolor texture, plastic wrap
Watercolor texture, wax paper

Watercolor texture, salt (2 sizes of salt)

I made the background for this piece by wetting the paper, dropping in phthalo blue and aureolin yellow, and then adding salt when the paper was still wet but not puddled.  After it was dry I transferred the drawing with white transfer paper.  Then I started with a white pencil for my light color (you can also use light colors such as cream, light peach, or 10% gray).  I also started adding the darks with a dark pencil, indigo blue (you could also dark colors such black, black grape, 90% gray, dark brown). The light and dark color you use is determined by you and the color you used to make your background.  With the dark and light pencil start working on your values.  Do this fairly lightly so that other color can go over the top.