
Sertoma CW August and September, 2019

I transferred the drawing first.  Make sure your transfer will not erase with water.  Do this by running water over a small section to see if it stays.  If it does not stay use a pencil to solidify your lines (not too dark).  I wet the background and branches and leaves around the pears.  I made it pretty wet.  I dropped in a mixed green around the pears and flicked in some yellows and water to make texture.  You can use whatever colors you wish for the background.

After the painting was dry,  I demonstrated using a damp brush and a paper towel to clean up some of the edges on the pears..  Then I mixed two browns using 3 primaries and leaning them toward yellow and red.  For a warm brown I used warm red, warm yellow, and green blue.  For a cooler, darker brown I used cool red, warm and cool yellow, and green blue.  I wet the branches and painted  a section of the branch warm brown.  I dropped the cool dark brown into the dark areas.  I also dropped in the reds, yellows, and blue.  I did this in sections on the branch while it was still wet.  When it was still wet and shiny, but not puddled, I added salt.  I used a larger crystal sea salt.

The first two photos of the pears were taken with my phone in the classroom.  I did color some color correction on the computer.  

Photo taken at home in better lighting.

I transferred the drawing first.  Make sure your transfer will not erase with water.  Do this by running water over a small section to see if it stays.  If it does not stay use a pencil to solidify your lines (not too dark).  I wet the background, I made it very wet.  I dropped in a warm yellow.  I added salt when it was wet and shiny but not puddled.  The salt did not work on this one for whatever reason (but it did work for all of you...). 

I mixed a warm brown (warm red, plus warm yellow, and a little green blue).  I dampened the ear and dropped in the color adding a little extra in the darker areas (dampened, not as wet as when we did the background).  I am not trying to finish the ear, just get the base color and a little value down.  I started working on the shadow areas dampening them and adding the warm brown and loosely following the value pattern. I added a little more red to the warm brown for the nose area.   

Using the cool, darker brown mixed for the branch on the pears, I started working on some of the darker areas of the dog.  Again, not finishing, just getting the dark started.

The first three photos of the dog were taken with my phone in the classroom.  I did color some color correction on the computer.  

Photo taken at home in better lighting.