
NCBG ICP August, 2019

I worked with colored pencil, no melting anymore, on the the red grapes on the top right side.  I used scarlet lake, crimson lake (pomegranate will work as well), black grape , and white.  I shaded the values on the grapes.  Next I shaved indigo into a lid and melted it and started painting it on the background.  I also showed painting on the other colors.  On the bottom right I shaded the indigo on the paper and then melted it.  Either way works.  I need to finish the indigo on the background and then start adding the colored pencil colors in the background over the indigo.  The indigo is an under painting/drawing to get a dark down first to make the subsequent colored pencil go quicker.

This is colored pencil on Art Spectrum Colourfix sanded pastel paper, black.  I transferred the drawing with white transfer paper and then used a white pencil to start laying in the values.  I used a stiff brush to blend the pencil and then used the white pencil to lightly fill in any spaces and the stik tak/poster putty to lift as needed.  I go over the areas i want smooth lightly filling and lifting to make it smooth.  We will add color over the values next class.