
NCBG ICP August, 2019

I shaded orange and then melted it and then melted the shavings in the lid and painted it onto the background.  I used orange as I thought it would make a nice warm background.  Warm yellow would have been nice as well. This photo was taken in poor light with my phone so it's washed out (had no other option).

Using white and other colors such as yellow chartreuse, canary yellow, dark green, black grape, scarlet lake I started shaping the background.  I also worked on the green grapes.  I added melted green to the back grape and added dark green, yellow chartreuse and indigo to the front green grape.  This photo was taken in poor light with my phone so it's washed out (had no other option).

Still working on the background using the same colors listed above with the addition of indigo.

Worked on the little piece of stem below (using the same colors).  Still shaping the background.  The colored pencil is getting thick and more like paint in a way. Using the stump and my fingers to blend as well as lighter pencils. 

I am specifically not working on the top background so I can do it in class.  Also leaving a grape or two and some of the stem unfinished for a demo.

Smudged the background a bit more and added some dark green and indigo as well as yellow chartreuse and canary yellow to the green grapes.