
Acrylic Cass 2020

First I made a very thinned paint, thinned with matte medium and water.  I dampened the canvas and painted the wet paint on the canvas.   I added some water near the top to make the effect of light. I added salt when the canvas was wet, but not puddled, to make a texture.  After that was dry we mixed a red brown and blocked in the turtle shape.
First I mixed a gray color, with 3 primaries leaned towards blue, added white, and painted the background (I made separate piles of the original gray and the lightened gray).  I added a bit of the darker gray at the top.  I spritzed it with a fine spray of water.  After that was dry we used blue (I mixed ultramarine blue and a little pthalo blue).  I made the blue darker by adding some black and made it light by adding white (I made separate piles of the lightened and darker color and the blue color).  I painted the values on the mountains.