
NCBG IEW October and November, 2019

I added a few more bracts and added a light glaze of warm red to the top portion of the background.  To do this I wet the background and added in the color.  I plan to do this on the entire background.

I started by transferring the drawing and wetting everything but the flower petals.  I dropped in yellow, green and red as well as salt.  I have made what looks like a 1970's wallpaper.   I will glaze this at some point in the next class.  I did the first pass on a petal and a leaf.  I will do more of this next class as well as the later passes on each.  The leaf was done by dampening it and dropping in a mixed green (warm yellow and green blue) and then I dropped in brown and blue on the edges.   The petal was done by dampening and then dropping in cool red and gradating it outward.  I also dropped in purple blue near the base.