
DAC CP October, 2019

Continuing to use the 6 colors (warm and cool red, warm and cool yellow, purple blue and green blue), I worked on adding more shadows.  The values, the lights and darks, are important in order to create form.  I have gently layered the color to make skin tones in the shadows and in the light. 

If you are struggling with the values, do this piece (or another piece of your choosing) with a dark pencil of any color, just use one color.

On the shirt I added blue and used a stump and eraser to smooth and shape the blue.  I did not add the patterned shirt as in the reference photo as that would be distracting here and would pull the viewers eye to the bottom of the page.

This piece is not finished.  I will continue working with the same 6 colors gently layering and blending working towards the darks.

I worked on a red grape adding shadow and highlight using scarlet lake and pomegranate (crimson red and/or crimson lake will work as well), white, and black grape or indigo.  I added some more background and need to continue the background and finish the grapes and stems.