
BAL CP October, 2019

Colored pencil on black. My sneaky way to get a value study in (and the best way to work on black) is to start the project with white. I started working on the light areas in light layers building up to the lightest light.

Due to this being a demonstration and considering time constraints, I started adding color before I had completed the white.  Normally I would finish the white first.  I added colors such as terra cotta, scarlet lake, true blue, spanish orange.  Black can be used to fix area and adjust the value and color.

This is an under painting for a mixed media piece.  I am working on student grade hot press paper.  I worked wet on dry.  I mixed a brown (mixed the 3 primaries leaning it toward red and yellow makes brown) and I mixed a dark (mixed the 3 primaries leaning it toward blue).  I have loosely painted the subject.  This speeds up the colored pencil process by having a layer of color already present.