
BAL CP July 2018

I continued with white, light peach, terra cotta, dark brown, black and scarlet lake refining and detailing the skin and clothes.

This is the black and white side with a little color added on the color side.

The color side.  I used aqua and true blue for the blue green areas plus denim blue for a little purple blue.  I used peach, terra cotta, spanish orange and dark brown on the face of the bird.

On a piece of watercolor paper (student grade) I traced the outline of the birds.  I colored the background with orange and red watercolor pencils and then used water and a brush to melt it.  i could also have used colored pencil and rubbing alcohol.  I made still add some colored pencil to this before I am done.

This is how it looks with the background sheet behind the birds.  Nothing is finished yet, but you can see the idea and hopefully get some of your own.