
DAC Mixed Media April and May

I worked on the left side of the face (her right, our left...).  I used a little more white before starting.  Then I covered the area lightly with peach.  I added terra cotta in the darker areas.  I used light peach and peach to blend.  I did light layers of these colors to blend and shade the face.  I added dark brown into the mix for the darker areas.  The next step in that area is to re establish the lights with white and light peach.  Keep in mind that I typically would work on the entire piece building it up as a unit, but due to time constraints with demonstrating I did a small section.

I worked on the side windows of the main car focusing on values mostly with black and white (and a little blue as well).

I worked on the feather pattern on the bottom neck section.  I used white and black.