
Sertoma Continuing Watercolor September and October 2017

I worked on the shadows underneath, adding a dark and dropping in reflected color.  It could use a bit more color.  I added some darks, more are needed.  I added some texture to the yellow pepper and the stems.  I also need to add more detail. I scrubbed out/reshaped the white highlight on the green pepper (the highlight at the top).

I worked more on the head, especially the eye and beak.  It was mostly adding darks and details.  I  used a mixed brown for the eye and a mixed dark for the shadows.  I used a scrubber to correct some textures in the feathers.  I then glazed some color into those areas.  I have a little work left overall, but this one is close to complete.

I glazed the background with what else but...yellow...  I pulled the glaze into the hair at the back and into the shirt and the scarf (the yellow scarf in the photo).  I worked on the hair and beard (have more to do) and worked a little on the skin.  This whole thing needs darks and details which I will do next class.