
DAC Beg. Colored Pencil, September 2017

After filling the background with darker color (grass green, scarlet lake, black grape) I burnished it with white.

I went over half of the burnished background with indigo (so you can see the difference, I will finish it at some point) and added some green and scarlet lake as needed in some areas.  I will either leave this solid or lift/erase some background textures.  Have not decided yet.  I added darks to the leaves and shadows to the stem.

After the white value work I lightly covered the entire face with terra cotta (could use sienna brown as well).  I went a little heavier with the terra cotta on the green areas.  Then I used dark brown and black grape in the darker areas and peach in the mid tone areas.  Then I lightly covered all areas with the peach, even the dark areas.

This is the same as above only with no pencils on it and taken in slightly different lighting..

I went back over the darker areas with terra cotta and dark brown and the lighter areas with white.  I used peach in the mid areas to help transition from dark to light.  I also added a little scarlet lake to some areas on the face.  I used indigo blue in the darkest areas.  I lightly covered the scarf with scarlet lake going slightly heavier in the green areas.  I started to to back over the light areas with the white (did not finish).  I used terra cotta, scarlet lake dark brown, and indigo in the hair.

Started in class with the white.  Will shade the entire piece in white before adding color.

Worked on this more to give you an idea of how I will work in the white.  Still have some areas to finish, but this will give you a good idea.  This has lots of subtle value areas.  use your eraser and stik tak as needed  while you work.