
Continuing Watercolor (January & February 2015)

I started by wetting the paper and dropping in light color (a mix of green and the blue and yellow to make the green).  When  it was shiny, not a puddle, I added salt (I added both regular salt and large sea salt).  After it was dry I transferred the dog drawing onto the paper.  Then with a dark mixture made from indigo and brown I started on the ear.  At the top I dropped burnt sienna into the dark mixture.  I worked on the ear dry, although dampening it would help keep hard lines away.  Next I dampened the face of the dog and started adding values with the dark mixture switching to the red brown .  I left the top of his head light and painted behind his head to pop it forward (negative painting).

I transferred the drawing first.  Use only one color for this as this is a value study first.  We will add other colors later.  I wet the background and using a gray color that leaned toward blue I started adding values and a little texture (the color I used was indigo and brown, but grays can be mixed with any compliments - purple and yellow, blue and orange or brown, red and green).  On the plate I wet the area I was working on and added values there as well.  I put the paint on in circular lines as that is the textural pattern on the plate.  Remember - on the brass pot only add the gray in the very dark areas and do it a bit lighter than the actual value - the reason is if you do too much gray it will cause the bronze color to be less bright/more neutralized than you may want.