
BAL Class (August 2014)

Acrylic on canvas panels.  I used thinned acrylic, spread it on the panel (I made several mixed greens), and put plastic wrap on it while wet to make the texture.  Leave the plastic wrap until it's dry.  Next I transferred the drawing.  It was hard to see so I used white to create a 'ghost' image for a road map.

Colored pencil on gray mat board.  I transferred the drawing with white transfer paper.  I used white to start laying in the lights.  The green spot on the left is acrylic paint (oopps).

Watercolor.  I transferred the cat onto watercolor paper (Kilimanjaro 300 lb. cold press).  I wet the background and dropped in clues and greens made with cobalt, indigo, and azo yellow (my aureolin was out).  After it dried I used a gray (mixed with either the three primaries or complimentary colors) to add some shadows to the cat.  I dropped in a bit of green to unify and to soften the lines of the body of the cat towards the bottom.

Acrylic on canvas panels.  I used thinned acrylic, spread it on the panel (I made several purples), and put plastic wrap on it while wet to make the texture.  Leave the plastic wrap until it's dry.  Next I transferred the drawing with white transfer.  I mixed a dark red and a yellow red and painted the petals letting.  

Colored pencil on gray paper.  The green spots on the upper left are acrylic - oopps.  I used crimson red to start shading in the petals.  I will also shade all of the background greenery with the red as well.  I added dark green to two spots to show the dark color it will make.  I put white on the stamen (?) to preserve it's lightness as I work.

Watercolor.  I transferred the flower onto watercolor paper (Kilimanjaro 300 lb. cold press).  I dribbled some rubber cement as a resist to add texture.  After it was dry I wet the background and painted it red and added salt (add salt when the paper is wet, shiny, but not puddles).   After the red was dry I applied  more rubber cement.  After that was dry I painted with mixed greens and indigo over the red.  I plan to do another layer of rubber cement and paint (I think...).