
NCBG IEW Nov. & Dec., 2020


This is a photo of the artichoke demo.  First I wet the entire paper, I made the paper saturated with water.  I then dropped in warm and cool yellow and splattered it and moved the color around (mine is very light, needed a bit more pigment in my mixture).  

After that dried, i made the first pass on the artichoke.  I mixed a green (warm and cool yellow and green blue) and demonstrated painting individual bracts (I often refer to them as petals, it's easier for me for some reason).   I wet the petal, dropped in the color in the darkest area and guide the color.  To gradate and lighten, I clean the brush in water, dry the brush on the towel and move the paint into the lighter areas on the petal.  Sometimes I don't clean the brush, I just wipe the paint onto the towel and then move the color on the petal.  

In some areas I added yellow or yellow green while painting.  Later I will demonstrate glazes to add blues, yellows, and reds.  I use glazes to change the temperature, color, or to add atmosphere or a glow.  

For the reddish damaged part of the petal, I mixed cool red plus a little green blue.  For darker green I make the green lean more blue and/or I add some red to the green.  Both work.  Sometimes for a dark area I mix a black color composed of the colors I have used in the painting (to keep it cohesive).

 I started the second pass, which is adding the shadows and the start of the darks.  I also dampened the stem with a little more water than the petals, but less water than the background.  I dropped in a green blue and some yellow green and some red (I made some of the red I mixed earlier lighter with water).