
Sertoma CW Jan. and Feb. 2020

I finished the remainder of the spots at home so they would be ready for class.  In class I mixed a gray and a warm brown to shade the parts of neck and head in shadow, lightly on this pass.  I also added some darker gray to the tips of the horns and inside the ear and nostril (the nostril was too wet and dispersed, it will need to be redone).  I wet the parts that needed shading beforehand.  If you are working on a paper that lifts easily add the shadows like a glaze without pre-wetting the paper.
I mixed a warm brown and used my warm yellow and added areas of warm color to parts of the face and neck and at the same time added the mane.
I added color to the grapes and stems one grape at a time.  For the red I mixed my warm and cool reds together and also added more of one color in areas that needed to be warmer or cooler.  For the green and purple I did a variety of mixtures to show you the possibilities you have with warm & cool red, warm & cool yellow, and purple blue and green blue. Mix your colors to get the various combinations you have and remember that ratios make a difference.  The textures in the red grapes were made while wet with a little ultramarine blue dropped into the red.  The green had a little quin. rose dropped in one and a little aureolin yellow and quin. rose dropped in the top of the other.  For the purple I made a few neutralized purples and added more red to the purple on the top part. I added the stem with green at the top, warm yellow at the bottom and a little red dropped in while it's wet.  The places The ends where other grapes used to be were made with purple brown with red and blue dropped in.  The one towards the bottom was warm yellow with a little green and some red.

I removed the masking using a rubber cement pick-up. I then used water, a soft brush and paper towel to soften the edges all over the piece.