
DAC MM Jan.& Feb. 2020

I am still working on the white (I left some for future demonstrations)  I started adding color to the bracts.  I used yellow chartreuse first and then grass green/olive green, dark green, and more white as needed to lighten areas.
I am continuing to work on the bracts.  I continue to use yellow chartreuse first and then grass green/olive green, dark green, and more white as needed to lighten areas and have added spanish prnge, scarlet lake, pomegranate, black/indigo blue (used on the background).  I use the colors in layers and continue refining as i go.  I use the stump as needed to smooth some areas. 
I used a black ink pen and a white ink pen on the swans head to get bold contrast.  I added some gray to the swan in the shadows and to make textures (worked in the head and neck area so far).  I used in on the beak as well as spanish orange and scarlet lake and white to get form om the beak.  I worked on the background, upper right portion adding color and dark.  I used yellow chartreuse, dark green, grass green, olive green, and black so far.  I started work on the reflection of the swan with the same colors as above adding scarlet lake and white to the mix.  Will continue that demo next class.