
BAL MM Oct. & Nov. 2018

I did a little work on this adding another layer of values and a little more fur on the Sloth and some cool yellow to the white in the background.but need to do work for you in the next class.

I worked with white first getting a "road map" of the flower to help me see the parts before I started adding the form.  Then I chose a petal to demonstrate and used a dark red (crimson) to add the dark stripe areas.  I added more white to the petal as well.  I used the light and dark to create form.  Then I used pale vermilion and spanish orange for the color and subtle color changes.  I used Copenhagen blue to add more subtle shadows to make the petal look as if it bends.  I will do another petal next class and some of the middle thingies.  

This is the background for the man.  It needs another layer of two.  I will paint the layers and post photos.  This was done with a warm yellow (quin. gold) and a mixed purple (rose and ultramarine).  I wet the paper first, dropped in the yellow, dropped in the purple, splattered both colors and them moved the paper around to move and mix the paint.  I need this to be a little bit darker in value which is why I am doing another round or two of color.