
Art & Ale Colored Pencil

I transferred the drawing, wet the paper, and started adding light color using a wet paintbrush and getting the color from the tip of the watercolor pencil.  While the paper was still wet I dipped the WC pencil into water and drew darker color in the shape of trees.  I went over the trees with a damp brush.  Then, while the paper was still wet I used a small strainer and rubbed the pencil in the strainer over the painting to make the small dotted textures.   This is the under painting for the car.  I will show you the next step in the next class on October 17.

I started working with colored pencil adding the shadows and highlights - the values, both dark and light.  I studied the photo and added the highlights and shadows.  I used grass green, dark green, terra cotta, pomegranate, crimson red, white, indigo, yellow chartreuse, canary yellow.  In the background I lightly added canary yellow, grass green and spanish orange.  I melted the background with rubbing alcohol.  I plan to add more variation  in the background with the pencil in the next class.  I also smoothed out some of the leaf areas and on the buds with a stump.