
DAC CP July & August 2018

Colored pencil on UART dark sanded pastel paper.  I added lots of white to the dark side of the cat (could have left the paper showing through for the shadows).  I did this to show how to add color and darks back into the white.  I am still working on it, but it's getting there.

Colored pencil on Strathmore Toned gray paper.  I worked on shadows on the white part of the egg and highlights on the yolk.  It's getting there, but needs more work.

Colored pencil on Grafix Dura-Lar Matte paper.  This is the black and white side.  Instead of black and white I chose indigo and white to do the values on this side.

This is the color side.  I just started adding the color.  So far I have used pomegranate and spanish orange on the flower and grass green on the leaves. I added some canary yellow to the one leaf as well.  This is barely a start to the color.  Remember to use your eraser to smooth the pencil and adjust the values.

This is the view from the black and white side after some color was added.