
DAC CP July & August 2018

Colored Pencil on UART dark Sanded pastel paper 800 grade.  I used a stiff brush to work the colored pencil into the paper in a few areas to show you how that looks.  I added some more white in a few areas.  I started adding whiskers.  I still have some lights and darks and details to add, but it's getting close to complete.  At the end I will use the poster putty to clean up the background areas.  I have the option of adding a color to the background or using a black or dark gray if needed.  After it's cleaned with the poster putty I will spray it with workable fixative.

Colored pencil on Toned gray Strathmore Paper.  The first step was to shade white over the entire egg (yolk too).  I did this lightly and made sure I did not lose my drawing.  I then shaded canary yellow over the yolk and parts of the egg white. I then shaded spanish orange over the egg yolk as well.  I used crimson red on the darkest part of the yolk and scarlet lake over most of the yolk. I made a gray with scarlet lake, true blue and canary yellow for the shadow under the egg white (there is more blue in the shadow so it is gray).  I made a brown color for the shadows on the egg white using the same 3 colors and white (there is more red and yellow in the shadow so it is brown).  I need to make more of the shadows on the egg white to make the bubbles as it cooks, I will show it again next class.

I worked more on the yolk adding more of the reds and yellows.  I started adding white for the highlights (there are more I will do next class).  I also started adding more of the mixed brown to the white part of the egg.  I added more of the shadow under the egg white and added some of the grease spots from cooking.  I will demonstrate more on this next class.