
DAC CP July & August, 2018

Colored pencil on UART dark sanded pastel paper 800 grade.  This started with all white and a focus on the values in white.  I work lightly building up in layers.  After there was enough white we added some color.  I used pomegranate and spanish orange plus more white on the ear (especially on the hair textures of the ear).  I also used a little black grape on the dark edge of the ear (the line).  I used true blue, pomegranate and a little spanish orange on the shadowed part of the cat as well as more white (especially to start making the fur textures).  I added some pomegranate on parts of the face, inside the eye (not the eyeball), and nose plus more white.  I used blue and black grape on the black spot.  On the eyeball I used a little white first, some spanish orange and some black grape plus more white on the front edge and light area in the eye.  I used indigo on the pupil. I will continue demonstrating showing you the detail and refining.