
Sertoma Continuing Watercolor October & November 2017

After transferring the drawing I went over some areas with a pencil to make sure the drawing would not disappear.  Then I wet the entire paper. I made it quite wet.  I dropped in 2 mixed greens and a warm and cool yellow.  After that dried I started on the leaves.  I used a few greens and painted the color leaving some white spaces and adding a tiny bit of red here and there.  I painted the yellow on a few lemons making them round by putting in the darkest area, rinsing the brush, drying it off and pulling the paint out and around.  Before the next step I would finish this one, all the leaves and lemons with their first layers.

After masking (which is the gray) I painted a first pass of color into the vase. I added light red, some green (since I planned for my background to be green), some blue, and some yellow.  I painted some green on the background and dropped in water right as the paper was beginning to dry to make blossoms.  I painted yellow on the table and red in the shadow of the vase.  I painted red on the shadow of the table.  I painted some yellow onto some of the cranberries.  My next step is to apply a bit more masking.  I will post again when that gets done.  You can be fairly free with the color, using the colors you prefer, just keep these first passes on the light side.