
BAL Colored Pencil People July 2017

Colored pencil over a water color pencil under painting/drawing on watercolor paper.  Working with peach, I covered the entire face with peace which blended the colors.  I then use white to add in highlights and terra cotta, dark brown, true blue and scarlet lake to start adding in shadows and color.  I added more black to the hair as well as some scarlet lake (i felt it needed more red in some areas).  I will continue working on the skin and hair.  Next class we need to work on the clothing.

Colored pencil on UART sanded pastel paper (with a watercolor pencil under painting/drawing.  I worked on the face and hat.  I used terra cotta, white, and dark brown on the face plus white and black on the mustache and beard.  I used terra cotta, dark brown, white, and spanish orange on the hat plus pomegranate and white on the hat band.  There is still more work to do on it all.  We also need to do the background and clothes next class.

Colored pencil on turquoise mat board.  I first used white and did a value study (which I would typically finish before starting the other colors if this were not a class demo).  I then used peacock blue, indigo, and white to start shading.  I am considering adding a warm color, maybe, but may finish this with only the 3 colors.