
NCBG BCP March and April 2017

I worked on a petal at home, blending and refining.

I demonstrated a petal in class, blending and refining.  I used white, canary yellow, cad orange, and pomegranate working in layers switching between pencils as I adjusted the values and colors.  I also lifted out the dark in the top as it needs to be redone.  

I demonstrated a petal in class, blending and refining.  I used white, canary yellow, cad orange, and pomegranate working in layers switching between pencils as I adjusted the values and colors.

I used true blue and did a light value study (started it at home).  Remember to use the pencil AND the poster putty to lift as needed.

After the value study was completed in class I started adding pomegranate to all areas that are red, purple, orange, brown, and dark areas.  I them added some yellow to show what that looks like on the green, brown, and dark areas.  Those are the first 3 steps - true blue value study layer, pomegranate layer, and then a yellow layer.