
Sertoma/Glen Eden CW January & February 2017

I started with a yellow, red, and blue.  The first pass was on the skin areas only.  I typically put yellow in the light areas, red in the medium, and blue in the dark areas on the first pass.  The color is VERY light and very wet, the paper is dry.  The second pass after the first is dry is still on the skin.  I use a few skin tones, still light, and start modeling in the bigger shadows (lightly).  The third pass on the skin is when I start to add some dark details (still not as dark as they will get).  I also made a pass on the clothes and background keeping it light and 'splattery/drippy'.  For the hair, since it will be dark, I put each of the 3 colors.  Those will influence or show through the dark I add on top later.