
SW CP Class

This is how it looked at the end of the last post.

I worked on the wing.  I started on the right side towards the middle.  I used black, white, and aquamarine plus some canary yellow at the end. I layered the colors paying attention to the values.  I added more white to the light parts as needed.  I had to reshape areas and change some shapes which is usual in something like this. After getting the layering far along I used a stump to blend and soften and hard edges, sometimes I used white to lighten, soften, or blend.  I worked across to the left and down on the feathers.  I added sand, light umber, sienna brown, and indigo blue to the white, black, canary yellow and aquamarine.  I worked on each feather shape layering the color and paying attention to the value.  If the original road map was too dark I lightened it with white and added the color.  Then I softened and blended with the stump (remember to clean it).  After I was done with that section I moved up on the feathers.  I am still working on the wing feathers.