
Sertoma Continuing Watercolor, March & April 2019I worked on a bunchj

I worked on a bunch of little things as requested - the windshield, a handle, a side mirror, the front chrome.  There is still a lot to do, but it's coming along.

I worked more on the head scarf and added shadows, I have a little more to do to it, but it's pretty close.  I added more shadows to the face, worked more on the nose, the mouth and worked on one eye.  For the eye I glazed in warm yellow.   After that dried I added the pupil.  After that dried I removed the masking.  I used a mixed dark (the 3 primaries) and a warm brown to add shadows.  I  worked the whites into the eye (you can see the white as it looks not worked into the eye on the unfinished eye).  I worked on the earring and removed the masking.   I added some red to parts of the background (will add more).  This still needs more darks and more details and some corrections, but it is coming along.