
NCBG Acrylic April, 2019

The 6 base color warm/cool color mixing palette I use for all mediums.  Remember the colors in this photo do not look as they do in person.
Demonstration piece from class.  The early part of the process is shown in 3 steps below in this post.  Here I will describe the process after the second transfer using the white transfer paper.  I started with white paint, a thinned down white glaze. I started adding the shiny parts on the strawberries and the little seeds. I then used a thinned black glaze to start adding shadows on the berries. I started adding white and black to the leaves as well, shading them.  I let it dry (does not take long) and did a thin wash of white on the top of the berries and added a little yellow.  On the stem where I added white I glazed with a thin yellow glaze (used cool yellow). This has more work, but you can see it starting to form.     

First I wet the paper and dropped in color to make a light background.  make sure the paper is very wet so the color flows.  Move the paper around to move the color. After this is dry, tape the drawing to the paper and transfer the outlines for each color.  Leave the drawing attached as we will be transferring again.

Using the local color of the subject, paint each section with the color ignoring the values (which is something I rarely say...).  I tend to paint my subjects on the dark side of the local color as this works the best for my brain.

After the paint was dry I flipped the drawing down and used white transfer paper to transfer the rest of the drawing.  Sometimes I don't transfer the rest of the drawing, I just paint the highlights and shadows and details without the drawing.  It depends on what it is...