
Sertoma Painting People in watercolor (July and August 2017)

I added the side to the cello.  Lots more to do here.

This project is about texture.  I dampened the paper and dropped in color.  When areas of the paper were wet/shiny and not puddles I started sprinkling salt on those areas (I used a larger sea salt which makes quite the texture, but any salt will work).  I avoided the puddle areas until they were a bit more dry.  You can avoid putting salt on the face if you wish.

I mixed a dark orange brown color.  I mixed it using a purple blue and an orange red (it has the orange red used in the background in it which keeps it unified).  I started doing a value study on the face.  I mixed a dark blue color (a green blue with some of the red orange from the background in it).  I then painted the hair making sure to soften the edge around the face.  I softened by using a brush clean of color and mostly dry and pull the color out from the line.  I made the color a medium dark, did not want to put the darkest value on yet (and that way I can decide later if it needs to be darker)