
NCBG A Feb. & Mar. 2017

Acrylic Color Wheel Golden Fluid Acrylic

Acrylic. Value Study - a more completed example from a past class.

Acrylic. Local Color - a more completed example from a past class.

Acrylic, value study.  I mixed a gray by mixing blue and orange (basically mixing the 3 primaries with an emphasis on blue so it would be a gray).  I then painted a value study in a very wet application, similar to watercolor.  This is an under painting.

Acrylic, Local Color.  I wet the pepper and painted a wet application of green (a mixed green) not really paying attention to values, more of a flat application.  Then I used white to start adding the first layer of highlights.  I mixed black into the green to darken the green and added the first layer of shadows.