
Sertoma Continuing Watercolor (January and February 2016)

I added more leaves near the flower paying attention to the values of the leaves (the lights and darks).  I used a mixture of prussian and burnt sienna as well as a mixture of ultramarine and burnt sienna to make an earthy green.  I demonstrated using a scrubber brush, some water, and a paper towel to re-establish the line in the center of the leaves.   I added some less detailed leaves at the top.  I will decide as I go how detailed these will be.  I also worked on the flower.  I used a damp brush and softened the lines around the flower so it would lose the pasted on look it had.  I then made a purple to use to make dark values in the flower and started working on the values of the petals to make them have form and look rounded and curled (some petals are not done yet).

I have not removed the masking fluid yet.  I worked on the nose and the eye.  I added a dark to the nose and scrubbed out a highlight on the top.  I added a dark in the eye area.  I used a few grays and sienna to start adding the hair texture.  I mixed a dark green, wet the background, and made the background dark.  I let some of the green bleed into the wolf's body (by wetting it) below the jaw and a little into the bottom jaw.  I negative painted the hairs (negative painting is creating an object by painting around the object).