
Continuing Watercolor (November/December 2013)

First transferred the drawing onto the paper.  I then wet and added yellow to the background parts creating a 'road map' to help determine background and foreground.  Next I added red to the berries trying to save the white highlight.  I added a yellow green to the leaves (also tried to save the highlights, oopps...).  Next, after it was dry, I started to add a darker red around the outside of the berry to give it form (I have done a few).  I then used a darker green (viridian as well as aureolin and alizarin dropped in a bit) and started shaping the form of the leaf. 

First We transferred the drawing.  I wet the paper and added a wash of the color I will use for the entire piece (van dyke brown and indigo mixed).  It will be a value study or monochromatic piece.  I also used a little salt for texture (add salt when the paper is shiny, not puddled).  After it was dry I added rubber cement to the hair, dribbling in the direction of the hair.  After that dried I added more grey.  Allowed that to dry and added more rubber cement, dried that and added more grey.