
Continuing Watercolor (Jan/Feb 13) - Sertoma

I worked on her skin using sienna brown and indigo mixed on dry paper.  I worked from the darkest area pulling the color out (remember to wash out paint and wipe brush on the towel or else you will get blossoms as you pull the paint out).  I used a mixture of new gamboge and sienna on her scarf and apron.  I worked on dry paper and worked the paint from dark to light.

The first layer was wetting the paper, dropping in color, put saran wrap on it, let it dry, and transferred the drawing.  Next, I used rubber cement and the brush to lay in the texture for the feathers.  I also dribbled some on the background.  I let that dry and then painted a dark I mixed over the chicken. The next layer was a rose color over the entire painting.  Then, after dry, I did another layer of rubber cement (dribbles in the background and feather shapes on the chicken).  Then I did a layer of warm yellow on the background and a dark on the chicken.  I removed the rubber cement and painted a few shadows on the chicken and toned down the feather with a little color over the entire painting.