
Sertoma, AA, Nov & Dec 2012

Acrylic Horse.  I continued to add details as well as lights and darks.

Acrylic textured background for the pea plant.  I used a mixture of green as well as blue and yellow and a little magenta.  I wet the surface, added the color, placed saran/plastic wrap on top, pressed, and allowed it to dry.  I will add a second layer as this is not dark enough for the pea painting (I will post a photo the next layer after I do it).

This is texture made by stamping.  the left side is bubble wrap stamped into color and then stamped onto the surface.  The middle is a wet paper towel and wet color stamped onto the surface.  The right side is a dry paper towel stamped into color and stamped onto the surface.

This is acrylic on watercolor paper.  I wet the paper, added the color, and placed crumpled wax paper on the left and bubble wrap on the right (and weighted it down until dry).