
Aqueous Acrylics

Background prepped before class.  Acrylic on masonite sealed with Kilz 2.  I premixed my colors with polymer or matte medium (or whatever medium you have),  I paint the colors on with quite a bit of water (either from the brush or sprayed).   I use a Styrofoam plate as my palette.

This is the chicken drawing, transferred onto the surface with graphite paper.  I then painted with black again thinned with polymer and water.  Use the brush strokes to create the feather areas.  I negative painted the grass below the chicken.  The chicken of course needs more details and colors glazed over the black (after I finish the chicken). 

Background prepped in class.  Acrylic on masonite sealed with Kilz 2.  I premixed my colors with polymer or matte medium (or whatever medium you have),  I paint the colors on with quite a bit of water (either from the brush or sprayed).  I used the green from my 'extra paint', added green gold, yellow,  cobalt, and red.  I painted it leaving the brush strokes and blotted with a wadded-up paper towel to get some texture.