
DAC, CP & MM, July and August 2019

I started adding color to the dogwood.  I will add more next class.  On the branch and bud I used scarlet lake, peacock blue, indigo, spanish orange.  On the white  I used spanish orange very lightly in some areas to warm the white.  On the ends I used spanish orange and scarlet lake and indigo in a few small dark places.  In the center I used yellow chartreuse and chartreuse plus white and indigo so far.

We started by transferring the drawing, wetting the paper and dropping in color for those using watercolor.  For watercolor pencil you have several ways to add color that I demonstrated in class (and will demonstrate again in the next class).  Use the colors that you like for this piece.  I then used the texture technique called sanding (which I will demonstrate again next class).  After the first pass the entire piece looked like the background, the dog did not show yet.  After that was dry, I used a black and brown watercolor pencil to add the darks.  I shaded it on and then wet it with a brush.  I then used a mixed brown watercolor to add some color and bright yellow where the light hit.  I need to add color to the shadow side of the dog still and to the collar as well.  When I do this I'll post to the blog again. 
REMEMBER - this is an under painting, we will add colored pencil to do the details and to finish this piece. 
Also, when you transfer the drawing remember to check that your graphite paper will stay when you put water over it.  Some graphite paper is made to go away as you paint which is helpful for watercolor but not for mixed media.  Check this by running a wet brush over a small area of the drawing a few times.