
Exploring Gouache (August 2013)

Gouache with a salt texture.  Wet the paper, drop in color, add salt when the paper is shiny, no puddles., allow to dry before brushing off the salt.

Gouache with a plastic wrap texture.  Wet the paper, drop in color, place the saran wrap on top and press down, allow to dry before removing the plastic.

Local Color gouache.  I paint the tomato red and the stem green first.  During the second pass I added a dark and white for shadow and highlight.  This is of course not complete.

Value Study gouache.  In this method I dampened the tomato and shadow areas and painted a value study with one dark color (the white of the paper becomes the light areas).  This is gouache used more as watercolor.  This is an under painting - we will add color on top.